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新生說明會New Student Orientation



請於新生說明會當天至行政大樓7樓( A705)辦理報到。
Complete your registration at the Chinese Language Center (A705, Administration Building) on the day of orientation.

1. 請備妥以下資料 Provide the following:
護照及證件照片三張(已寄過照片者不需要再提交) Passport and 3 ID photos (not needed for those who have already turned in photos)
2. 填寫註冊單 Fill in the registration form
3. 進行分班考試 Placement test
4. 購買教材、繳交學費。(本中心只接受新台幣現金,不接受外幣、刷卡及分期方式付款) Purchase class materials and pay the tuition fee. (Only NTD cash is accepted)
5. 開始上課 Start of Classes

辦理報到手續時間:上午9:00-11:50;下午 1:00-4:00
Office hours for registration: 9:00-11:50 AM; 1:00-4:00 PM